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Clubs & Sports

Student Fun Clubs
"Fun Clubs" are chosen by students to reflect their shared interests and talents. Sometimes they reflect student interests in topics that extend the school curriculum, and sometimes they allow students to explore areas beyond the school curricular program.

Academic Clubs
"Academic Clubs" are serious and internationally recognized clubs and activities that allow students to develop critical thinking, creative, language and leadership skills, often in competition or collaboration with other schools around the world.

Intramural Sports
Some of our sports activities are school-based “intra-mural” activities where students compete against fellow students in fun and friendly competitions. These activities will often be multi-level, helping to build school culture and integration.

Competitive Sports
Competitive sports teams involve a regular commitment from students and typically run for a given “season” – fall, winter, or spring. They also usually involve competition against other school teams in Taipei and beyond – which is a major part of the appeal!

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